600 MHz VNMRS, Chemistry 93

The 600 MHz Varian VNMRS Spectrometer in Chemistry room 93 is the most popular spectrometer for standard 1D and 2D NMR experiments on small molecules.

Spectrometer Information

  • 600 MHz Varian VNMRS Spectrometer located in room Chem 93
  • Used primarily for obtaining routine 1D and 2D NMR spectra of small molecules
  • Uses VnmrJ software on a Linux RedHat workstation
  • Typically equipped with a 1H / Broadband double-resonance probe
      • Broadband channel tunable from 15N to 31P
  • Daytime (8am - 5pm), 15 minute to 2 hour reservations

Examples of Spectrometer Usage